Let's Stay Ahead of Heart Disease
Best for

Anyone who wants to prevent heart disease related illnesses
What is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)
Remote care programs like Remote Patient Monitoring are when you share your vital data directly with your doctor and their care team.
In return, your doctor assigns you a remote care specialist who will check in with you on a regular basis. You can send secure messages to your doctor or remote care specialist and even set up face-time visits with them. Your remote care specialist will monitor your vitals, provide you with data-driven insights about your illness, and be your advocate through your care journey.

Patient Engagement Layer (PEL)
Deploying remote monitoring programs is fraught with challenges – not just technical challenges, but patient adherence and compliance challenges. For instance, on average only 60%-70% of hypertensive patients enrolled in RPM programs transmit vital readings each month.
With Kura Care’s Patient Engagement Layer (PEL) solution, our technology can layer onto any existing RPM platform or program. Furthermore, our PEL tools provide customized, asynchronous interactions with patients all designed to improve patient outcomes.

Patient Engagement Layer (PEL) Tools
PEL Tools
Smart Greetings
Disease Specific
6 months program
Kura Care’s PEL Tools fit seamlessly into your disease-specific remote patient monitoring program (RPM). With our customized, asynchronous approach, your program benefits from:
・Personalized Patient Reports (PPR)
・Smart Greetings
・Nudges (SMS)
Kura Care’s Customized, Asynchronous Approach
Vital Data
Pt. Behavior
SMS Nudges
Personalized Report

Our approach leverages input data, like vital signs and patient behavior,
to provide personalized interactions to program participants.
By providing SMS nudges, personalized reports and gamification,
Kura Care selectively reinforces patient behaviors aligned with care plan adherence and compliance, aligned to driving improved patient outcomes.
Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about our PEL solution and
how Kura Care’s tools can help your remote monitoring efforts, please contact us at